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how to overcome debt stress





Stress is something thinking consistently about  something  .Consistent thinking make stressful life and unhealthy life .Debt  Stress  is stress which developed due to money /finance crisis .

Debt Stress disturb your health and make you sick .It developed loneness among society family and friend .

Due to Debt stress ,Particular mind is unstable .It create disturbance in  relationship in  society ,Family and friend .

Sometime it developed anxiety and consciousness in mind .

To overcome with Debt Stress ,following point to be considered and should be implemented in Particular :-

  1. Acknowledge your debt and write it down.-

Kindly make a note of List of Debt  ,give priority to higher debt ,and Analysis the Debt on the basis of amount and rate of interest

2.Prioritize your debt. :-

Once Debt being Categorizes ,its been easy to analysis it and planned  it accordingly

3.Identify your spending habits:-The Main reason for Debt stress is your spending Habit. Once you Analysis your Spending Habit .Your habit play an important role in Stress and your financial journey

4.Set a budget:-Setting Financial budget define the characteristic of your  financial life style. financial budget  develop set of goal in terms of family ,social ,education and entertainment .Setting of budget will help to overcome the debt stress

5.Take care of your mental health:- By developing the step it help to  overcome the debt stress .Mental health will improve your life and financial efficiency .Financial Planning will help to improve the mental health .

6.Contact a financial advisor or credit counselor:-Financial advisor help in getting better understanding of financial Planning and how to plan to overcome the debt .

7.Start paying down your debt:-Once all Point implemented ,you can easily pay your debt.

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